Service Schedule
Sunday Services
10a and 6p
Monday Spanish Bible Study
Tuesday Prayer
Wednesday English Bible Study
Thursday Mid-Week Service
Friday Youth Prayer & Events
Get Plugged In
Upcoming Events
Men’s Breakfast and Prayer
Join us for food, fellowship, and prayer
Join us March 16th for two phenomenal services! Rev Brandon Castillo will be with us as we continue in the
Unite to Fight
SoCal Ministers, Get ready for an unforgettable weekend. The Unite to Fight Conference is happening April 4-5 at IPC, Bellflower, CA. This is your moment
A Group for Everyone
Family, Men's, Ladies, Youth, and Children's Ministry
Welcome to the Upland Lighthouse. We have a mixture of ministries to meet the needs of our growing and diverse congregation. Each of these ministries provides spiritual opportunity for everyone to explore their spiritual gifts, interests, and talents while growing in God’s Kingdom. These ministries span all ages and groups, including families, youth, children and single adults. The goal of these ministries is to provide social and spirtual connection for everyone. Whether it’s a worship service, evangelism, a youth event, or just a day of fun; there’s always something happening at the Upland Lighthouse.
Evangelism Ministry (Team Apostolic)
Team Apostolic is the driving engine of the Upland Lighthouse Church. Its evangelistic teams fulfill the great commission on a daily basis by spreading the gospel through one on one witnessing, seed (personal invite cards) sowing, sidewalk prayer ministry, Bible studies, canvassing and so much more. We believe in taking the whole gospel to the whole world by the whole church. Please click on Team Apostolic’s Facebook page to see our evangelistic teams in action.
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Free Home Bible Studies
Congratulations on your desire to learn more about God’s Word. This free ministry offers a personalized, in-depth Bible study in our church or the comfort of your own home. Through one-on-one teaching or a small group session, we’ll explore the Bible from Genesis to the book of Revelation. Join us as we journey together, discovering the transformative power of God’s Word. For more information, contact us below.
Mobile Baptisms
Congratulations on your desire to be baptized! We are thrilled for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful experience and the fulfillment of Mt. 28:19 & Acts 2:38. Baptism is not an empty ritual, but the promise of new life. When you’re baptized in Jesus name, it identifies you with the burial of Christ; and rising in the newness of Life. (Rom 6:3-4)Our church is equipped with an in-house baptismal tank and can be officiated at any time. The only requirement is believing and repentance. If physically you cannot make it to the church, we’ll bring the baptismal tank to you. Please contact us down below if God is calling you to be baptized.
Our Mission Statement: Go, Teach, Baptize, and Disciple
What We Believe
The Upland Lighthouse is a UPCI, Spirit-filled church, that believes and practices what is explicitly taught in the Word of God.
About the Bible: The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is factual in all that it teaches. Because the Bible is flawless, it is our sole authority for what we believe, teach and how we live. (2 Tim 3.15-17)
About God: There is only one God, who manifested himself to the world in different modes, roles and offices, including Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of the godhead. (Duet 6.4; John 14.9; Eph 4.4-6; Col 2.9; 1 Tim 3.16)
About Sin and Salvation: Everyone has sinned and is need of a Savior. Salvation comes by faith through grace, based on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and our obedience to his gospel. (Rom 3.23-25; 6.23; Eph 2.8-9)
About the Gospel and Conversion: The gospel is the good news that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. We express our belief in the gospel through obedience to God’s Word. This is accomplished through repentance (death), water baptism in Jesus name for the remission of those sins (burial), and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (resurrection). This spiritual experience is the consistent blueprint of Christian conversion in the Bible and the early Apostolic church. (1 Cor 15.1-4; 2 Thes 1.8; 1 Pet 4.17; Mark 1.15; Acts 15.7; Rom 6.3-4; Acts 2.4, 37-39; 8.9-17; 10.1-48; 19.1-7)
About water baptism: We practice water baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus for the remission of our sins. Through this process, we identify with Christ’s burial and resurrection. (Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:11-14; Acts 2:38)
About the Holy Spirit: We believe in the life changing experience of being filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by the initial sign of speaking in other tongues. (Acts 2:4)
About Christian living: As Christians we are to love and serve God as well as our neighbors. We accomplish this by doing unto others as we’d have them do unto us.
About the Gifts of the Spirit: We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are still available to all Spirit-filled believers, today. (Mark 12.28-31; 1 Cor 12.8-10; 2 Cor 7.1; Rom 8.13-14; Gal 5.19-26; Heb 12.14)
About the Future: Jesus Christ is coming back for a glorious church. In the last days, there will be two resurrection; one for the righteous and the second for damnation. The righteous will inherit eternal life, and the unrighteous eternal death. (1 Thes 4.16-17; Rev 20.11-15)
Let's Get To Know You
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, need prayer, or want to learn more about our church, please reach out to us. Our church is here to support you.
Our Social Platforms
Upland Lighthouse Church
The OFFICIAL YouTube of Upland Lighthouse Church in Ontario, CA.
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Upland Lighthouse Church
The OFFICIAL YouTube of Upland Lighthouse Church in Ontario, CA.
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Upland Lighthouse Church
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